Grand Cru Espresso Beans
This is our 100% Arabica espresso coffee blend. It has the best Kenyan AA Grade beans for acidity, citrus notes and a chocolate after taste.
ViewThe Americano, pronounced, uh-meh-ruh-kaa-now, is a strong and bold drink that doesn’t require the sweetness of steamed milk or froth to create its classic look - although some people prefer to add milk for personal preference. The hot drink is simply a mixture of hot water and delicious espresso. Let’s get into what is an americano coffee drink…
If you’re wondering how to make an Americano coffee, there are two popular ways that an Americano can be traditionally served - either half and half, or a third espresso and two-thirds hot water, depending on the coffee shop and personal preference.
As we said before, some people may desire to add a dash of milk to sweeten things up to create an Americano with milk, but this isn’t a common addition.
The name ‘Americano’ originated from World War II when soldiers based in Italy found themselves disliking the strong taste of the espresso that was loved so much there. This led to them attempting to recreate their much-loved drip coffee by adding hot water to the shot of espresso, resulting in the delightful hot drink we now know as the Americano.
Now we know the surprising history behind the Americano drink, let’s explore the things that go into one - that is, the things we can’t see with the naked human eye…
Using the standard Americano sizing (6-8 fl oz), there would be between nine and 15 calories and approximately 77 milligrams of caffeine per drink (before any added sugars or milk), so this coffee drink is up there with one of the healthiest coffees you can enjoy, guilt-free.
This is our 100% Arabica espresso coffee blend. It has the best Kenyan AA Grade beans for acidity, citrus notes and a chocolate after taste.
ViewThis is a blend of Brazilian Fine Cup beans from the Minas Gerais Plateau, Ugandan robustas from the Lake Victoria region, arabicas from Honduras and Bourbon varietal Arabica beans.
ViewDiscover our Fairtrade premium coffee beans today. We have a wide range of Fairtrade coffee beans, espresso beans and coffee in a bag available to order online.
ViewA coffee that tastes a little stronger and yet is harmonious: Cafe Cream Bistro Montana. Darker roast
ViewA darker decaffeinated coffee with hints of roasted almonds
ViewEach fully biodegradable bag contains Rainforest Alliance Certified. 100% Fresh Ground Arabica coffee.
ViewThis is our 100% Arabica espresso coffee blend. It has the best Kenyan AA Grade beans for acidity, citrus notes and a chocolate after taste.
ViewThis is a blend of Brazilian Fine Cup beans from the Minas Gerais Plateau, Ugandan robustas from the Lake Victoria region, arabicas from Honduras and Bourbon varietal Arabica beans.
ViewOur Fairtrade espresso coffee is a blend of South America and Africa beans. A full flavoured espresso with a delightful aftertaste is the result.