Jura WE6
The baby of Jura's commercial range offering black coffee only. The ideal solution for locations where around 30 speciality coffees are consumed per day.
Shop NowJura are well known in the world of professional coffee machines and through years of innovation they deliver some of the best commercial coffee machines. At Cafe Du Monde we have a range of Jura coffee machines for you to choose from. We have machines to suit all businesses in all sectors. We also offer Jura coffee machine servicing and repair service - should you be in need of a trusted partner to fix any issues you might have.
The baby of Jura's commercial range offering black coffee only. The ideal solution for locations where around 30 speciality coffees are consumed per day.
Shop NowThe baby of Jura's commercial range but still offering the basic coffee menu with milk. Innovative technologies revolutionise the enjoyment of coffee.
Shop NowIf you need a coffee machine that prepares black coffee, professionally made pots of coffee and hot water in two different temperatures for tea, the X6 is the ideal solution.
Shop NowThe robust, versatile and professional coffee solution. The X8 is incredibly versatile: it can prepare the full range of speciality coffees finished with milk and milk foam as well as black coffees.
Shop NowFlexibility in the top class. The GIGA X3 allows JURA to impressively demonstrate Swiss innovation and professionalism down to the very last detail.
Shop NowFlexibility in the top class. The GIGA X3 allows JURA to impressively demonstrate Swiss innovation and professionalism down to the very last detail.
Shop NowBuilt for maximum performance. The GIGA X8 is the completely new generation of automatic coffee machines for professional use from JURA.
Shop NowBuilt for maximum performance. The GIGA X8 is the completely new generation of automatic coffee machines for professional use from JURA.
Shop NowJura was founded in Switzerland in 1931 when they began developing high end appliances for domestic use. They have become a key figure in the domestic appliance sector during the 1980s, due to them becoming a pioneer in automatic coffee machines. Jura now focuses their products to the commercial sector - particularly for offices and restaurants. We are proud to be a supplier of Jura coffee machines for businesses in the UK.
At Cafe Du Monde we supply a wide range of Jura coffee machines that are perfect for the workplace. First up we bring to you two machines from the WE line. These machines are the babies of the Jura commercial range but still have a menu with the basics. For example, the WE6 can produce drinks like an espresso whereas the WE8 has a slightly wider range with drinks like latte macchiato, cappuccino and flat whites. Both the Jura WE6 and Jura WE8 produce around 30 cups per day. We also bring to you the X line which produces more coffee per day with a daily output of around 80 cups. The Jura X6 is an easy to use coffee machine that works well as a self service solution. It has a basic drinks menu and has a 5 litre boiler tank capacity. The Jura X8 is a great professional coffee machine that is versatile and offers a range of specialty coffees from Cappuccino to Flat white. At the top of the scale is the GIGA X line with powerful commercial coffee machines that produce up to 200 cups per day. The Jura Giga X3C is a reliable machine that is perfect to use as a self service coffee machine. It can produce up to 150 cups of high quality coffee per day - with each drink tasting perfect. When it comes to maximum performance, the Jura Giga X8C shines. This automatic coffee machine is an outstanding machine that can produce 200 cups of coffee each day. It has a touch screen display that is easy to use for all users.
No matter what the size of your business is or what sector you operate in, there is a Jura coffee machine that suits your needs. For large cafes and restaurants that are producing a lot of coffee in order to meet the demand of customers - the top of the range Jura Giga X8C would be perfect for you. The reliable and durable machine has a fast output that doesn’t compromise on flavour. The Jura X6 is a great workplace coffee machine that works well in a hotel lobby or staff room. It is an easy to operate machine that works well as a self service solution. The Jura WE8 is a great option for small offices and staff rooms as it is simple to operate and can produce up to 30 cups per day. For larger offices, the Jura Giga X3 might be the best option as it can produce up to 150 cups of coffee per day. It also works well in conference venues and workplaces that have self service areas with a lot of demand.
“We required a machine that could cope with the high demand from our customers and could supply superb tasting coffee. Café du Monde definitely succeeded in this and it has earned us a massive ‘thumbs up’ from our staff and our customers.”